Shipping & Returns
Orders will be processed and shipped within 2-3 business days. All customers will receive a confirmation email with tracking information when the order is shipped. All orders are shipped via United Parcel Service (UPS) or United State Postal Service (USPS).
In most situations orders can be expedited at an extra fee.
We accept returns within 14 days of receipt. The item must be unused and undamaged with tags affixed and include all original packaging.
Please email to begin the return process. Please include your full name and order number. You will receive a response within 2 business days.
Foreign Fare will refund the original form of payment you provided. Please allow up to 10 working days for your refund to process. We will send you an email confirmation once your return has been processed. Please note that shipping costs will not be refunded, and we do not offer exchanges. Customer pays shipping to return the item(s).